As is true about her fitness programs, Push is not just about health and fitness, but about living your very best life. It's not some "get rich, get thin, get everything you want overnight" gimmick. It isn't another book to be thrown upon an already astounding heap of self help, fitness industry mumbo jumbo. She helps you define point A , point Z, and gives you turn by turn directions to get EXACTLY where you want to be. But traveling your own road of life is just like traveling across the country... if you have the directions but you never use them, you can't expect to see something new.
DISCLAIMER: This blog is long. It was important to me to truly share my EXPERIENCE... so this is the bit of "emerald" in me wanting to you to feel like you were there with me.
So with that... here is my amazing log of the past couple days with my hero, Chalene Johnson....
Turbo Kick Class @ 24 Hour Fitness, Aurora, CO ~ February 15th, 2012:
Before this night, I had never been to this location of 24 Hour Fitness before... IT WAS HUGE!!! Chalene was there signing books and taking pictures (so many in fact that I had to pass on Lindsay's kindness and give a girl that wouldn't be at Push my spot in line otherwise she wouldn't have gotten it signed ... they were already 15 minutes behind when the workout was supposed to start when they got to us and had to cut signing a bit short)! Now, I have to admit, being a Turbo Fire pro I thought that Turbo Kick would be quite a bit easier.... I WAS WRONG! Maybe it was because the energy level in the place was SO HIGH that I just pushed myself until I wanted to FAINT, but it was super rough only matched by how SUPER FUN IT WAS!! Bret, Chalene's husband, even came and stood with us on our side of the gym during the workout! (and yes.. he too is as handsome as he seems!LOL!) :D We got some "treats" I guess you could say because she tested a new Turbo Kick round on us that she hadn't put in all the clubs yet, ROUND 50!! On top of that, when you entered the gym you had to sign above and beyond Beachbody release forms AND waivers for TAPING! There were lots of pictures and cameras and talk of footage for Turbo Fire 2's INFOMERCIAL! AAHHHHH!!!! I even got to go on camera talking about how great Turbo Fire is and all the benefits! I'm not the best in front of a camera but I'm a very comfortable speaker... even the camera guys said a couple of my answers were the best he'd heard all night! :D {BOMBSHELL DYNASTY HOLLLLLLAA!!} How cool would that be in the Bombshell shirt and all to be on my HERO'S INFOMERCIAL!?! :D Anyway, the workout was intense and I was sweating BUCKETS!! I met a ton of new Denver Beachbody friends and 9 total coaches that I never would have met otherwise... JUST BECAUSE OF MY BOMBSHELL SHIRT! :D I met some new friends in those Denver coaches, and even discovered that my new found friend Brian runs a fit club in Westminster! :D
........................................^ Me!!
After the workout, as I was getting ready to head home, my new friend Tom and I managed walk by a fitness class room and see Chalene taping! She is so fit and cute... talk about an INSPIRATION! And I will tell you from watching her, she has to be fit just to TAPE infomercials! LOL! They were spritzing her with water and she had to do the moves over and over and over! I had to keep some distance as I didn't want to look like that stalker that licks windows, but if there is any sight that has made me want to push even harder, it has been the sight of her doing those moves in front of the camera (not to mention how AMAZING she looks in all of her FANTASTIC outfits... but I will get to that a bit later ;)
Push LIVE! VIP @ Denver Magnolia Hotel, Denver, CO ~ February 16, 2012:
1:00 pm ~ I am absolutely TERRIBLE about going downtown. I always get lost, never know where to park, and it always turns into a terrible mess. Luckily, after stumbling around downtown Denver, I got to walk into the beauiful Magnolia Hotel. I have to say, if you are visiting Denver, THIS is the place to stay. I walked in to the VIP room where many of my soon to be new friends were already seated. It was an intimate setting, just a few round tables and at the front of the room sat Chalene and Bret at an adorable bar height table with a basket of delicate peach colored roses. We had a Q & A session and talked about the value of being there for your children, working with your spouse, and what the book tour was like for them. They explained that during all of the book hoopla, they had only been away from their kids for ONE DAY. With family as their number one priority, Chalene talked a lot about how important it is to be there for them, teach them the power of focus, and giving them the power to try anything they want to try. She also talked about the importance of allowing them to fail and gain confidence in their own decision making to do so. I have to say, I hope that I can be the kind of parent the two of them are someday, not to mention the amazingly rock solid support they are to one another! Once the questions were finished, we got to do private pictures, book signing, and group pictures. {At the time this blog is being written, I have not received the link to download my pictures with her yet but I will post them in here as soon as I do!} One table went out for pictures at a time and so I got to sit and chat with one after another INCREDIBLE people..... Beachbody TRULY attracts some of the most positive, intellectual, and KIND people out of any other business or activity that I have ever seen! I got to meet Dion, Nancy, Kayla, Nic and some other brilliant new friends at my table that just had the most wonderful stories... can you say, "inspiring"?
This was one of the best moments for me of the entire day. There is nothing like walking up to your idol, getting to talk to her about your Turbo Challenge group {TURBO CHARGED BOMBSHELLS, WORK IT GIRLS! :D}, and just getting to feel her true genuine warmth. I told her about how much of an impact Turbo Fire and her video blogs had made on my life and the lives of my challengers. And yes, just as we had talked about Bombshells, I cried all over her. LOL! I told her about the generous gift my coach had given me that allowed me to meet her that day, how my whole life had been turned upside down in the past few months, and how I felt lost. She hugged me tight, looked me straight in the eye and said:
"Jen you were meant to be here. Lindsay gave you that gift because she was meant to. I can tell that you are smart and so sweet. You DESERVE today. In this very moment, this very day, you were meant to be here with me. And I'm going to do everything I can to help you get the most of every single second. You are so incredibly sweet and you will get where you want to be, have faith. Today will help you find all of that {my life and priorites} all over, you will be blown away."
And gave me the biggest, tightest hug in the world. I never wanted to let go!! :'D I'm crying just WRITING THIS! WHEW!!! She signed my book and I gave her the biggest teary smile I could for the picture and walked shakily back to the VIP room. I wanted to BAWL! Here was this amazing woman that I so admired, taking time to spend with me that many would give ANYTHING to have... If she believes in me... my team believes in me.... Travis believes in me... and my amazing coach Lindsay believes in me... well, then I just have to by default!!!
When everyone was done with their pictures and book signings, we all head out to wait to take our group pictures. I met some AMAZING women as we stood in line and was just BLOWN AWAY by some of their stories. I also got to chat with Chalene's favorite therapist Dr. Mcayla Sarno who is hands down one of the most kind, approachable women EVER! {Chalene is a big believer in EMDR therapy... it is definitely worth a good long Google!}
Insert detail only Jen cares about here: Chalene gave me a hand and helped me up onto the seat for pictures, even in her giant, sparkly, FABULOUS Louboutin's. Without heels, we're the same height. :::beams::: hehehe :)
Que fantastic outfit number one.
Yep. She's the cutest. ❤
After pictures we took about an hour break. Got some Starbucks, fresh air, and had some of the best conversation I have had in FOREVER with my FABULOUS new friends Kayla and Nic. We got to talk a lot about priorities as Kayla and Nic are Denver coaches with very strenuous regular jobs. Our conversation was the best precursor to the seminar part of the day as both Kayla and myself were trying to figure out where medical professions fit in with our goals of family. She gave me some of the BEST advice, as she has MADE IT into medical school! (HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE!!) Her husband Nic is a pilot and they lead a very active lifestyle.... they even taught me how to navigate downtown! LOL! :D By the time it was VIP check in time we were laughing and carrying on to the point it was almost hard to go in the room! At the check in table, we received special Push notebooks, a name placard, and a gorgeous blinged out name badge {Chalene LOVES her bling! Amen to that!}
Now by this time, I already feel like I have won the *best day ever* lottery. Then I get to sit next to Kai. (Orientation: Kai to my right, Nic and Kayla to my left). She came all the way from Massachusetts to be here, and taught me so much about how to get the most out of any seminar I attend. We talked in great lengths about Summit and how amazingly important it was to go, how to start fit clubs (she runs MULTIPLE!), and personal development. I fully believe she was meant to sit next to me, because not only did I learn a TON, she told me so much that I greatly needed to hear. And, she was a key part of what was to become my Push goal {to start a Fit Club, and I will explain why}. And then, the music comes up and the Turbo Queen herself comes dancing down the aisle. ("Gotta shake it, that's just a habit!") Just looking at her gives me so much motivation to be not only all I can be mentally, financially, but PHYSICALLY! She is gorgeous in everything she wears and simply RADIATES health and positive energy.
Que awesome wardrobe selection number two....
{I will be transcribing my notes, so if you would like a copy, please email me at with "Push Notes Request" in the subject line.}
We talked about how to get close to people you want to emulate/mentors {gain experience by getting in close by finding a way to genuinely HELP them reach THEIR goals... don't just ask them to take time out of their busy schedule to "pick their brain"} <~~ LOL side note: Don't ever ask Chalene to just go to lunch to pick her brain... "I can buy my own lunch and No." LOL! But her advice: "Do it creatively! Say something like 'I'd love to interview you for a blog I'm doing'.... BING!" :D We also talked about how important it is to not ignore your mental health. "Why is it that in this country we offer more dental insurance but not mental health insurance? I'm pretty sure that the person in the cubicle next to you isn't going to be all that bothered if your teeth are rotting out of your head, but if you are insufferable to deal with, that is another story!" She is a big proponent of EMDR therapy and dealing with issues that stand in your way... issues from childhood, traumatic events... all need to be dealt with if you ever want to be a success in any area of your life.
During the first half of the seminar, we also talked about ten key areas of happiness:
~ Physical Health
~ Emotional Health
~ Environment
~ Financial
~ Leisure/Fun
~ Friends/Family
~ Significant Other
~ Purpose/Career
~ Personal Growth
~ Spirituality
After we gained a good understanding of these areas, we were asked to rate our happiness level in each of these areas on a scale from 1 - 10. Then we split into two columns on our page : Level of Satisfaction 6 or below, and Level of Satisfaction 7 or higher. This helps to see where your area of focus needs to be in your life at this point to get your "pie" in a perfectly imperfect balance for you. A perfect pie is not balance, meaning you don't have to have equal levels of concentration in each as long as you are HAPPY. This is individual to each person as we all have very different priorities. We have intrinsic priorities and key priorities. Intrinsic priorities are those areas where you naturally gravitate to and need little to no accountability for these areas to flourish. If anything, you need to be pulled AWAY from this area so the others don't suffer {often this is career or spirituality, and Chalene's, no surprise, is fitness :)}. Then there are key priorities. These are areas that are super important to you but that you need some sort of accountability in to keep it in balance. {for Chalene and most others, this is family}. After we defined these areas for ourselves, we were ask to take our three lowest rated areas and write down at least three do's or don'ts that we need to put into place to improve this area.
Next, we were told that we needed to take a deep breath and look very honestly at our life right now and think of an activity that we do that stresses us out, makes us feel negative or ashamed, or drains us of valuable energy that we need to accomplish our dreams. Once this activity was identified, it was time to place a cease and desist order on this activity and ascribe it a date. Cold turkey, never again, cutting it out for good, activity.
As we got ready to go to break, we were asked to now combine all of those things into a Priority Clarity Statement {this is the most important part of goal setting! It is covered in the book so when you get Push, because I know you will, be sure you write it out on paper!!!}. Chalene explains that your Priority Clarity Statement is like a Shape-O ball for your goals and decisions. Once you have it in place, you can press your goals up against it and see if it fits. Too many people pick goals without knowing if they align with what will truly make them happy. They just open the Shape-O ball and shove the pieces in and then wonder why they are dissatisfied and unhappy. It's because they weren't meant to fit with your life and you forced them in anyway!
At this point, we were all still furiously writing through a lot of break.
{Here's Kayla hard at work.... :)}
Enter Chalene's FANTASTIC outfit number 3 and some gorgeous pictures with friends ❤
Yes, she really is just that fun! :D
Once we came back from break, lots of tears were shed when sharing Priority Clarity Statements. All too often it hurts to know that we have been neglecting this area, and when we write it out and truly put it down on paper, it becomes real how much we have let this area slide. Priority Clarity Statements are very defined. By doing this, you are really able to define what it means and looks like when you are honoring your priority, when you are not, and what it feels like, sounds like, and how things will be.
It is a changing moment when you do this. Life isn't the same.
Chalene says that once you define this area, all the guilt that comes with saying no to people or things that you don't want to do just goes away... BECAUSE IT DOESN'T ALIGN WITH YOUR PRIORITIES! For her, this is the exact reason she didn't do more than two stops for Push, and why she turned down a HUGE TV opportunity to be a trainer on a certain weight loss show that EVERYONE in the COUNTRY can name.... (wink wink)
... it did not fit with her priorities of being there for her family.
Then we were asked to write out 10 goals that "would be crazy cool if ______ happened in the next 12 months". No limitations here, so here are mine:
1. I will be a diamond coach.
2. I will make goal weight.
3. I will have an amazing job at a vet clinic.
4. I will have a successful fit club.
5. I will be engaged.
6. I will be making $2000 per month in Beachbody alone.
7. I will go to Summit.
8. I will continue my 4.0 GPA
9. I will be able to run 10 miles.
10. I will run a half marathon.
Now we have to identify a Push goal. This is a goal that may not seem like the most important on the list, but it is the one that sets up all or most of the others to happen. We must eliminate goals that we have no control over. Get engaged. Our Push goal also isn't something that doesn't really fit with our schedule or priority clarity statement for the time. Run 10 miles and half marathon. For me, it just jumped out on the page. Have a successful Fit Club. Why? Because having a fit club helps others reach their goals, gains exposure for my coaching, and by doing that, it helps me to earn money (6) to be able to attend summit (7), make my goal weight (2), and push me towards diamond status (1).
At this point we talked about surrounding ourselves with like minded people, reverse engineering our goals (DECIDED TO GET HER BOOK YET?!) and heard from her how once you harness the power of Push goals and you master your to do list, you will accomplish you goals so fast it will make your head spin!!
She closed the event and all the VIP's headed back into the other room for more Q and A. Lots of emotions were shared as everyone realized where their life was and where they wanted to be.
Two things from this session truly stuck out.
I told Chalene and Bret about my transformation and my fear of sharing it with those I know for judgement. After explaining my situation, Chalene said I was an absolutely beautiful girl that was sweet and kind (... that went on my mirror... "Chalene thinks I'm beautiful" ::beams::) and that I need to surround myself with those that will lift me up and push me forward... those that will encourage me and grow with me on my journey and that I should bless and cut loose those that don't support my goals. Amen.
Second, protect your energy. We give and give all day long to those around us (especially in people professions) and then by the time we get home, we feel so heavy and drained that we have nothing left for our priority: those we love. We must protect our energy so that we can give it to ourselves and those that are most important. This means saying no to people and activities that will just take too much of us away. When you do things that align with your priorities, life becomes easier. Guilt goes away. And happiness finds you without you looking.
We all gave lots of hugs, got our awesome wrist band flash drives with our VIP files, and bid our good byes.
Chalene is absolutely amazing.
Because of this experience, I have new goals. I have a path. And just as she said, I was meant to be there.
Watch out world. ;) It's a new chapter and I have a feeling 2012 is going to be a ground breaking year. Thank you to all my new friends, my amazing boyfriend Travis, my Dynasty team, and my invaluable blessing of a coach and friend, Lindsay Matway for making all of this possible for me. I hope that I can make all of you proud and inspire you as much as you have inspired me.
And to Chalene Johnson. You are changing the world. You are a light of hope leading the way for those around you into the life they deserve. Thank you for being you.*
Thank you to all my fellow Push friends that let me use some of their photos to enhance the telling of my experience. You are all amazing and it wouldn't have been the same without you! ♥