Friday, February 24, 2012

.✰ Success is just below the surface... ✰.

As a coach, I have seen a whole lot of success, and a whole lot of failure.

What makes the difference between those who make it all the way and those who are left with the excuse "it wasn't working for me anyway..."????


"Winners do what losers aren't willing to."

Life is not a success-only journey. And neither is fitness. There are triggers everywhere, people that seem to do anything they can to sabotage your progress, and down days where you just don't feel like "it" {aka the couch looks better than your sneakers, and that office pizza is soooo much more appetizing than your chicken....}

There are times where we look at where we are and think "all of this work and I'm still only this far?" No!

Thomas Edison said it best when he said "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." And how right he was!! 

Fitness and health are very much the poster child for this phrase in that people work SO HARD for about a month, month and a half, and expect to look like Marisa Miller... and then give up when they aren't to that point at the time they think they should be. The truth of the matter is, out of a 90 day program, for most people all the results come between day 60 and day 90... THE PERIOD OF TIME THAT COMES RIGHT AFTER PEOPLE GIVE UP!! Success from all of that clean eating and exercise is manifesting right underneath the surface, and just as it get's ready to show itself...

... people quit, and cover it right back up with going back to old habits and throwing in the towel.

But when you quit, you aren't just cheating yourself out of everything you have worked for thus far, you are cheating your friends, your family, your life... and the life you could have changed of someone looking to you for inspiration.

People want hope. And when you give up on yourself you are taking away the hope from yourself that your life could be better, and hope away from the onlookers that are starting to believe that they too could change their life.

By quitting on yourself, you are quitting on your future. You are quitting on your family. Good bye having a candy~store closet where you look good in any article of clothing (OR NONE!). Good bye better sex life, good bye keeping up with your kids, and possibly... good bye to a good 10 extra years of fulfilling life. All because you didn't see what was waiting for you right underneath the surface.

"I'm too busy." "It's too expensive." "I don't like working out." "It tastes funny." "I don't have time too cook." 

The buffet of bull that we feed ourselves not only through our mouth but through our HEADS is exactly that. Bull. 

Now imagine what would happen if you found the will... and as a result... found a way. You fought through the mud, the confusion.... you stumbled along like a new baby in the world of health. First you learn to roll over... then  learn to scoot and crawl, exploring the world around you with new eyes. You take the risk of a first step and learn to walk. Before you know it, you are running, leaping, and the world is yours to explore... fully, truly, and with everything you have.

Imagine looking smokin' hot in that muscle shirt or bikini. Imagine showing your kids the benefits of great health and confidence by leading by example. Imagine feeling like you could go all day and are up for any challenge. Your confidence soars. You're turning heads at the grocery store, your skin is clear, your mind is sharp, and you are ready for your next challenge. You are having great sex, great workouts, great relationships with people that have the same goals and push you forward. Money is pouring in as a result of the domino effect of health... and then someone you love reaches out for your help... and you give them a gift of you, your knowledge, and your experience.

You change their life.

Now... which sounds better to you? Is it worth giving all that up... just because you didn't look like a superhero or supermodel after a month of effort?

I don't think so.


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